Welcome to Kettering Seventh-Day Adventist Church Community

Click here for this week's programme

Weekly services at Kettering SDA Church:

Morning Prayer Band: 9.30 am (see programme for latest dates)
Children’s Sabbath School: 10am-11am

Adults’ Sabbath School: 10am-11am
Main Service: 11.15am - 1pm
See programme to check if we are having a fellowship lunch and afternoon programme
See Programme for Kettering Pathfinders and Adventurer Club meetings
Click here for for Service programme


Our address is:
41 Canon Street 
NN16 8RD

Click Here to Find us on Google Maps
PLEASE NOTE: There is parking available at the church.
If you need to park in a local side street, please collect a parking permit from the Deacon/Deaconess on duty.

Keep in touch with our church family:

To join the Kettering church family WhatsApp group for updates and fellowship please email your name, location and mobile number to sdakettering@gmail.com . As part of our digital safety protocol, we request that you make yourself known to an Elder or provide a reference.

Subscribe to SDA church YouTube channels for the latest services and worship videos: 
Kettering SDA Church: Click here for our latest services and worship videos.
North England Conference: Click here
NEC Youth: Click here for their regular worship sessions, challenges, discussions and services, great for the whole family including live interaction! 

Whether you are visiting our website or visiting our church, we want you to feel a part of the family.

You will find a warm welcome at our church any Saturday (Sabbath) morning or whenever we are open.

GDPR Notice

GDPR Notice from North England Conference

Please click on the above link to read the official notice sent to us by the NEC of Seventh-day Adventists in the UK.

Prayer Requests 

If you have any requests that you would like to ask the church to pray for, please click here and give us the details.